Blog Posts

Addressing Mental Health as an Educator of Color
More than 50% of public school students are students of color, but only 20% of public school teachers are people of color. Such a disproportionate

Is It Because You’re Not White? Tackling Perceived Bias.
You didn’t get a promotion, were turned down for a job, or were passed over by a potential client even though you felt you were

Is Your Training a Pain Giver or Pain Reliever?
We’ve all sat through a training session that’s underwhelming, irrelevant to your role, or entirely out of touch with more significant needs. Instead of sitting

What My Mom’s Spam Messages Can Teach You About Delegation
I was recently on a flight with my mom when she brought up these messages she has been getting from random numbers via WhatsApp. She

The Power to Influence Others Can Be Yours
You have the power to influence the behavior of the people around you without them realizing it. But as Spiderman’s Uncle Ben once said, “With

How to Promote Yourself…Authentically
“I don’t get it. I do so much work and get great results, but I barely get any validation or recognition. Why do other people

Develop Others, Get Results
When I stepped into my first leadership position, I thought I had to do it all perfectly. I also thought I needed to have all

Own Your Value, Own Your Future
“You don’t deserve it.” “You can’t do it.” “You’re so disorganized.” “You’re so dumb. You shouldn’t have done that.” I’ve heard these statements in my

Looking To Reset Your Career? This is How It Went For Me.
When are you at your happiest? When do you feel like you were making the biggest impact? When do you feel like you were doing

Launching an Edtech Startup After 11 Years in Education
11 years ago, I took a chance to move to halfway across the country to begin my educational career as a Teach for America Corps

Painless Networking: Tackling Your Mindset (Pt. 1/2)
The idea of networking has always made me cringe. I’ve always known it was a “skill” people needed to have to be successful and I

“Exercise More” Shouldn’t Be Your New Year’s Resolution
At the start of a new year, so many of us vow to accomplish different goals or make changes in our lives. In talking to
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